Monsters of the Midway

They rule the road. Whether 18 wheelers or their smaller counterparts, trucks take to our nation’s highways and byways regardless of the situation. Even throughout Covid-19, the trucking industry was active, albeit less than normal, in delivering needed supplies throughout the country. Often times, these trucks were practically alone on the roads. Inclement weather throughout much of the country in February caused delays as truckers had to navigate weather conditions safely and expeditiously. But, as the snow has melted, and the Covid-19 vaccines have come into play, the world as we knew it has come back to life…at least a bit. “What we are seeing to a certain extent is a bottleneck of trucks in cities and towns trying to get back on track after being sidelined recently,” says trucking accident attorney, Jeffrey Kroll, Partner with Kaveny + Kroll Trial Lawyers in Chicago ( The congestion can make for more dangerous conditions as these behemoths of the road catch up on their usual rounds. The results can increase the already rising number of traffic accidents and fatalities that we have witnessed since the pandemic began.

Truck accidents are far more severe than car collisions because of the massive size and weight of the tractor/trailer. With the ever increasing number of semi-trucks sharing the road with passenger vehicles comes a greater likelihood of being involved in a trucking accident. Statistics on trucking accidents are grim – tractor trailer accidents are responsible for 1 out of every 8 traffic fatalities in the state of Illinois alone. In 2019, 5005, people were killed in accidents involving a truck weighing over 10,000 pounds.

The trucking accident attorneys at Kaveny + Kroll, LLC have decades of experience in assisting individuals and families navigate the complex legal system when a truck collision is involved. The complexities of commercial vehicle accidents are influenced by Federal Statutes, ownership issues of the tractor or trailer, and the insurance companies that defendant them. These various entities are well versed in defending tracking lawsuits brought against them for personal injury or wrongful death. We have represented motorists, pedestrians, passengers and even bicyclists, who have had their lives altered with a truck resulting in deleterious consequences. Sadly, we represented the family of a young lady who was killed by a right hand turning truck on the North side of Chicago. It was the first shared bike death trial in North America.

Our firm is experienced with Federal Safety Regulations which apply to trucking companies and have achieved successful settlements and verdicts by demonstrating that the violation of these regulations caused or contributed to this life changing event. (

With our law offices headquartered in downtown Chicago, our truck accident attorneys know the area well and have experience in working on large trucking accidents involving all of our Illinois highways and toll roads, including, but not limited, to I-80, I-55, I-294, I-290, and I-90.

While most truck cases stem from driver error, similar to motor vehicle collisions, our firm has consistently helped individuals in the following types of trucking accidents:
•        Rear end accidents
•        Intersection accidents
•        Jackknifed semi
•        Rollover
•        Driving too fast for road conditions or traffic
•        Poor maintenance on the tractor/trailer
•        Left hand turn accidents
•        Right hand turn accidents

Regardless of the circumstances, crossing paths with a truck at a high rate of speed, regardless of the conditions can be devastating to all those involved. “Our goal is to level the playing field,” says Kroll. “While trucks will generally believe they rule the road, our purpose is to assure that our clients have their stories told in a way that allows them to obtain justice and full compensation.”