Ethics & Professionalism Webinar

April 15, 2021

Illinois Trial Lawyers Association – April, 2021
by Jeffrey J. Kroll
Jeffrey J. Kroll is a founding partner of Kaveny + Kroll LLC. He has achieved settlements and verdicts in a wide range of cases, from trucking accidents to medical malpractice to sports safety cases. He can be reached a je*****@ka*********.com.

Even during a pandemic, attorneys need to follow the rules of ethical conduct. This two-part webinar covers several important topics that you should be aware of, including the ethical implications of being a virtual practitioner; confidentiality considerations; attorney advertising, fee & co-counsel arrangements and .5 hours of mandatory 1 hour Diversity/Inclusion. Sign up for the webinar and stay up to date with these and other ethical topics!

Confidentiality Considerations; Judicial Perspective; Discovery Sanctions; Fee Arrangements/Co-Counsel Arrangements; Ethical Considerations for Attorney Advertising; Diversity/Inclusion


Register for the self-paced course.