Halloween Trick or Treating
All Hallow’s Eve (a.k.a. Halloween)

by Jeffrey J. Kroll

My children no longer trick-or-treat. I kind of miss those days. Selfishly, it was an opportunity for me to infiltrate their candy surplus. Yet, with Halloween around the corner, it is time for these ghosts and goblins to take to the streets. I fondly remember those days. Halloween was like our Superbowl. While we have all enjoyed the costumes, the candy, and the revelry, please keep these safety tips in mind to ensure your family has a safe and happy Halloween season.

  • Preach to your children to use crosswalks and sidewalks whenever or wherever possible.
  • Avoid walking in the street or crossing at or near unlit properties.
  • Never enter a stranger’s home or apartment complex. Stay outside.
  • Along those same lines, have your children trick-or-treat in a group. Depending on their ages, at least one adult should be supervising these Halloween participants.
  • Use reflective tape or glow necklaces to keep your children visible in the dark.
  • I am a hypocrite on this one as I have never accomplished this feat with my children, but encourage them to walk, not run, between houses to avoid trips and falls.
  • Examine all treats to confirm they are free from potential choking hazards or other dangers to your children.

The attorneys and staff at Kaveny + Kroll hope you and your children have a spooky but safe Halloween. The office of Kaveny + Kroll is committed to making our communities a safer place for our children during the Halloween season as well as throughout the year.