Distracted Driving is Costly
by Jeffrey J. Kroll
The National Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced that motor vehicle crashes cost our society roughly $340 billion in 2019. Yes, that is with a “b,” not an “m.” Sadly, approximately, 36,500 people were killed, over 4.5 million were injured and in excess of 23 million vehicles were damaged during 2019.
In crashes where at least one driver was identified and “acknowledged” as being distracted, a distracted driver caused over 10,000 fatalities and over 1 million non-fatal injuries. In 2019, distracted driving resulted in costs of roughly 29% of all motor vehicle crash costs. Obviously, this is limited to the drivers who admitted to distracted driving versus those that were not forthright.
For years, the attorneys at Kaveny + Kroll have been advocating that distracted driving is a major problem. Yet, distracted driving continues to plague our country. Put the phones down. Focus on the road. This will lead to a safer society.
If you or a loved one have been injured as a result of a motor vehicle collision, contact the Transportation Injury attorneys at Kaveny + Kroll, LLC for a free consultation.