Injuries as Fall is upon Us
by Jeffrey J. Kroll
In Chicago, the weather is inevitably starting to change. Football is in the air, temperatures will drop, and more people are trying to squeeze in the last few days of warm weather. While everyone is trying to take advantage of this unseasonably warm weather, it’s important for all of us to stay alert and safe. As Fall approaches, it is often a time when serious personal injuries can occur. The injury attorneys at Kaveny & Kroll want to make you aware of some situations that can help keep you safe.
Slippery Conditions from Rain
As we approach fall, rain often appears in the forecast, leading to slippery pathways, sidewalks, and roads. To aid in Fall Injury Prevention, check that the paved areas around your home and on the roads are free from oil or other slippery substances. When walking in wet conditions, wear sensible shoes to reduce the risk of slip-and-fall incidents.
Bike Safety and Traffic Risks
As many of us try to soak up the last hours and minutes of “Summer” and remain outdoors, bike riding becomes a popular activity. It’s great exercise and can be exhilarating. However, bike riding alongside motor vehicle traffic increases your risk of being involved in a collision. If you ride a bicycle, make sure to follow Illinois traffic laws, always wear bright-colored clothing, and stay alert for motorists. While helmets are not required in Illinois for bicyclists, the law firm of Kaveny & Kroll strongly recommends wearing one. Likewise, if you’re operating a motor vehicle, be sure to give cyclists ample space when passing or making a turn.
Motorcycle Safety During Fall
This is also the time of year when motorcyclists love to hit the road during favorable weather. As a motorcycle operator, it’s essential to be aware of aggressive drivers and to stay alert to your surroundings. Plan your route so that you are familiar with the roads, and always wear the appropriate safety gear.
In conclusion, Fall Injury Prevention is key to enjoying this season safely. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident or other injury-causing event, please contact the accident and injury attorneys at Kaveny & Kroll to learn more about the compensation you may be entitled to.