How can trucking companies contribute to a collision?
by Jeffrey J. Kroll
When someone hears about a truck accident, they immediately think of the negligence of the truck driver and the truck driver’s conduct as to the cause of the collision. Yet, trucking companies can and often will be found directly responsible for truck accidents or can often be responsible for at least contributing to these collisions.
Let’s face it, in today’s society, trucking companies assume and accept responsibility when it comes to their tractors, trailers and drivers. If a truck accident was caused by someone else’s negligence and you or a loved one were injured, contact an experienced Chicago truck accident attorney to have all of your questions answered.
Trucking is a lucrative industry that is fueled by the economy. Sadly, when a company or industry chooses profits over safety, safety often takes a back seat. When it comes to truck accidents, a trucking company can assume a significant degree of responsibility under any of the following circumstances:
- Failing to implement and follow policies that adhere to not only all State trucking rules, regulations and restrictions, but Federal as well.
- Failing to oversee an insurer that loads are correctly and safely placed on trailers it sends out on the roads.
- Failing to hire and train truck mechanics
- Failure to maintain the tractor/trailer in a safe working order
- Failing to hire and train truck drivers who have the required Commercial Driver’s License according to the federal motor carrier safety administration
These companies have a responsibility and duty to the public to send out trucks that are in a good working condition and operated by safe and experienced drivers.
When you think about it, a fully loaded tractor trailer typically weighs about 80,000 pounds. A car will typically weigh 4,0000 pounds. Thus, one can easily see that a truck accident can result in deadly injuries on our roadways. Trucking companies bear responsibility and can be deemed liable under many circumstances. If a truck driver or a truck company’s negligence leaves you injured or causes the loss of a family member, accomplished Chicago accident truck attorneys at Kaveny + Kroll are well prepared to help. Please do not hesitate to schedule your free consultation by contacting us today at 312-761-5585.