Man’s Best Friend?
by Jeffrey J. Kroll
It’s funny, since I was 12 years old, almost five decades ago, I have had a dog. While dogs are considered a man’s best friend, they are still “animals.” Like children; dogs, like several animals, can act unpredictably. I guess I should say, like adults, animals can act unpredictably. An unpredictable animal can be dangerous.
Roughly five million dog bites occur every year. Obviously, no one wants to think about being harmed by one of our ‘best’ friends. Yet, if an incident does occur with an animal, what steps should one take when attacked by a dog?
Here are some helpful tips:
- Identify the dog and its owner. You need to identify who the dog is and who its owner is, especially when there are serious injuries involved. There can be multiple layers of insurance, not only the homeowner’s insurance but possibly renter’s insurance.
- Take a picture or photo of the dog as well as any injuries you sustain. This is important for your records.
- Is there a witness? If so, make sure your lawyer has all the information needed to contact the individual who witnessed the incident. These accounts of what occurred are essential when it comes to a dispute with a dog owner.
- Was a police report filed? If so, obtain a copy of all police reports and/or reports from other agencies, such as the animal control agency.
You should file a report with your local animal control organization. These steps legally document your case, opens an investigation, and can possibly aid future victims who are attacked by the same or a similar breed of dog.
Dog bites can be complex and cumbersome. If you or a loved one has been injured by an animal, contact the dog bite attorneys at the offices of Kaveny + Kroll to answer any and all questions you may have. The attorneys at Kaveny + Kroll have had experience and success when handling such dog bite claims. For a free consultation, call (312) 761-5585.